So Long….But Not Goodbye!

You probably noticed that I haven’t updated this blog for a while.  Is it because my Celiac disease is cured?

I wish.

The fact of the matter is that I’ve said pretty much everything I could on the subject given my limitations, those being that I have no interest in cooking so I don’t like testing recipes, find trying to follow a recipe incredibly stressful, and am not diligent about remembering to review gluten-free foods.  Those are MAJOR limitations for someone who is writing a blog on an incurable food-dependant disease, right?

Yes, I’m still on the go all the time…but I’m finding that most places are able to accommodate this disease, and most servers have at least a vague knowledge of what celiac is (“Ok you have a severe gluten allergy.  I’ll make sure that I punch in gluten allergy.”) or they actually know someone that has it.  Celiac disease is becoming more widely understood lately….at least somewhat…by most of the people that I run into.

I was also hoping that by the time I got to this point, ImmusanT would have come out with their Nexvax2 Celiac therapy that would allow us to eat gluten again.  When that happens, I have BIG plans for my first gluten meal, and they will involve Auntie Annie’s pretzels and a Canadian Burger King Veggie Burger (they’re sooooo good–better than the US ones–and soooo full of gluten!) . But they haven’t. Nexvax2 is still in the testing phases, and is showing no signs of coming to market anytime soon.

So I’ve decided to give this blog a gluten-free sleeping pill and put it to bed for the time being.  If anything earth-shattering happens, I’ll start posting again.  Until that point, I’m going to leave this blog up in the hopes that it will help out people who have been newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease (who are trying to cut through all of the myths and forum chatter which is loaded with misconceptions) and want to grab some information that will make their lives easier.  Welcome….help yourself.

Until I post again, thank you for reading my blog.  I hope you got some helpful stuff from it!





  1. Peter Bryan

    Hi Louise

    Firstly, I hope this finds you healthy and living a wonderful life. My wife has just been diagnosed with coeliac and at the same level as you. Her Dr had to check the results 3 times as he has never seen anyone at the limit number in the tests. As her husband and father to our 2 small children it is with some trepidation that I step into our gluten free future. Is there any advice that you haven’t mentioned here that you could pass on or even just some level of hope that things can get better or even normalise over the next few years with a strict diet???? If this note finds you tired and unresponsive I totally understand and I wish you all the best and hope that one day you get to enjoy your delicious veggie burger. All the best Pete


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